The Writings of Patrick O'Donnell


There is something about fragrance that speaks directly to the heart. A single scent has the power to stir memories, awaken emotions, and make you pause, inhaling deeply as a flood of feelings washes over you. Think of the comforting smell of a loved one’s cologne or the aroma of fresh rain on a spring morning. Fragrance lingers, long after the moment has passed, leaving traces of beauty behind.

Paul captures this image perfectly when he writes, “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing” (2 Corinthians 2:15). To imagine that we—imperfect, flawed, and fragile—carry the fragrance of Christ into the world is almost too much to comprehend. Yet, this is what we are called to do. To live in such a way that His love, His grace, and His very presence linger in the places we touch.

Picture it—every interaction, every moment you pass through, becomes a chance to leave behind the sweet aroma of Christ. It isn’t always through grand gestures or profound words. Often, it’s the quiet, unnoticed acts of love that carry the strongest scent. A word of kindness offered when someone is struggling. A smile shared with a stranger in the grocery store. A moment of patience when irritation is tugging at your soul. These are the moments when the fragrance of Christ wafts into the lives of those around us, even if they don’t yet know its source.

Fragrance has a way of drawing people in. There’s something irresistible about it. Think about walking into a room filled with the scent of fresh flowers or warm bread just out of the oven. You want to breathe it in, to take it with you. This is what our lives are meant to be—a fragrance so infused with the love of Christ that others are drawn closer, not necessarily to us, but to Him.

And this fragrance is not just for the mountaintop moments, the times when our faith feels vibrant and our spirits are full of joy. No, it’s in the ordinary, the mundane, even in the difficult. It’s in those days when you’re tired, when your patience is stretched thin, when life feels heavy. It’s in the moments when you’re not sure you have anything left to give, yet you choose love anyway. Those are the times when the fragrance of Christ is most potent, when His grace is most evident.

It’s a comforting thought, really, that the fragrance we carry is not dependent on our own strength or ability. It’s not about us getting everything right or being perfect. It’s about Christ’s work in us. His love seeps into the deepest parts of who we are, transforming us slowly, steadily, until His essence permeates our very being. And then, without even realizing it, we begin to carry that fragrance into the world.

There’s a beauty in this transformation. Just as a scent clings to your clothes or your skin long after you’ve left a place, the fragrance of Christ clings to us in ways we may not even notice. It lingers in the words we speak, the actions we take, and the love we offer to others. And as we go about our days—through our homes, our workplaces, our relationships—we are spreading that fragrance.

But what happens on the days when we don’t feel particularly fragrant? When life has worn us down, when grief or fear or frustration have taken over? Even then, the fragrance of Christ remains. It’s not something we can lose or misplace. It is His gift to us, His promise that He is with us, working through us, even in our weakness. On those days, we simply need to rest in Him, to trust that He is still using us to leave a trail of love and grace behind.

Imagine the impact. Imagine the people who pass through your life and catch a whiff of something they can’t quite place—something that feels like peace, like hope, like love. They may not know it, but what they’re sensing is Christ in you. And you, without even knowing it, have become the vessel through which His fragrance is spread.

What a privilege that is. To think that our lives, with all their imperfections, can carry the beauty of Christ into the world. We don’t have to be perfect to be His aroma. We simply have to be willing—to love when it’s hard, to serve when it’s unnoticed, to forgive when it’s undeserved. And in doing so, we become part of something far greater than ourselves.

So, as you walk through this day, let this thought settle in your heart: You carry the fragrance of Christ with you. In every moment, every conversation, every act of love, you are spreading His scent. And long after you’ve moved on, that fragrance will linger, drawing others ever closer to the One who gave it.

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