The Writings of Patrick O'Donnell


When darkness presses close and tight,
And hope seems veiled by endless night,
When every step is fraught with pain,
And prayers feel lost like falling rain,

There, in the shadows, God is near,
A whisper breaking through our fear.
His love, a steady, gentle flame,
Burns bright despite our doubt and shame.

He is the hand that grips our own,
The anchor when we’re tossed and thrown.
Though all around us seems undone,
His faithfulness is never gone.

In every tear that leaves its trace,
He meets us in that broken place.
He’s present in the quiet groan,
In cries that rise from hearts alone.

He lifts the weary, holds them tight,
And walks with them through endless night.
No sorrow leaves His sight unseen,
No wound untouched, no chasm between.

And though we may not see the end,
Or comprehend the ways He mends,
His promises remain our song,
A melody to keep us strong.

So, when the world is harsh and cold,
And suffering’s weight is hard to hold,
Lean on the One who never fails—
His faithfulness will always prevail.

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